Philomena Johnson

Wild Mushroom Picker

 the wild-mushroom picker steps
     into the dew-wet grass, bows
      	as if practising tai-chi
 in slow motion, she scoops the grass
     raises a large white mushroom
      	to the goddess of morning


 	In the right light
the light speckle of wings
 	turns blue from bronze,
hangs in the air
 	like a kāhu
ready to close in;
 	each sweep of slow
quartering flight
 	each disappearance
as she moves sideways
 	into the light
 	in the placid
waters of the estuary.
Philomena Johnson lives in Christchurch. She completed her studies at The Hagley Writers’ Institute in 2017 and is continuing to work on her first poetry collection. She has previously had poems exhibited in On Islands Eramboo in Sydney.