after the rain finished
before the dark came and obliterated all delineation of form everyone left following the small path upwards merely a goat track hewed out of rock if they slipped in the half light jumping from one level to another, knees bent unbent they leaned on poles of hazel wood to make them steady sturdy now stumbling now sure of the way possibilities of reaching the top quietly and quickly rose in their hearts sounds of small animals tracking through the underbrush just out of reach vague hoots of owls worrisome in their persistence examined consciences yet on they trekked zealous in the dusk
Jeni Curtis has published in various publications including Takahē, NZPS anthologies 2014 to 2017, Atlanta Review, The London Grip, and the Poetry NZ Yearbook. She is secretary of the Canterbury Poets Collective, and chair of the Takahē trust.